The need to form Sannihita was felt as we found that domestic violence is intricately linked to the issue of right to shelter, and that there is a persistence of conservative gender politics in many of the government/ private institutions that form the basis for government policies which limit women to stereotyped roles within the confines of the home and the family. Thus, as concerned women, we felt the dire need to explore and evolve innovative forms of activism.
Women have always played a major role in the development of our nation. In the process, they had to make sacrifices and overcome seemingly mountainous hurdles. Even today, their creative participation in movements is crucial to peace and harmony in the country. But discrimination and violence continue to underplay their importance, and to wreck women’s lives everywhere. In this context Sannihita is working to create awareness in both women and men adopting practical approaches towards a harmonious society.
Women are caught between ‘development’, and ‘modernity’ on the one hand, and confusing statistics regarding the status of women and incidents of violence against them. Thus there is concerted effort to undermine the status of women in every field through discrimination and stereotyping.While learning from them, Sannihita works with women at grassroots to help them understand the real issues, explore practical solutions, by
Sannihita offers its services towards generation of awareness and develops gender sensitive perspectives, especially on housing and domestic violence.
Sannihita aims to coordinate its work among local community groups and organizations in rural and urban areas.